When speech is suppressed, wrote Frederick Douglass, it is a “double wrong.” Not only is the right to speak violated, so is the “right to hear.” Douglass called Freedom of Speech “the great moral renovator of society and government.” By hearing one another, we have a chance of becoming a more just nation. These are noble words, for sure, but what do they look like in action? Aren’t some things better left unheard?
This discussion considers the work of hearing from the perspective of a college newspaper editor, a local media leader, and a civics organizer from New Hampshire Listens. We’ll learn how newspapers decide what their readers need to hear and how listening can improve the quality of deliberation in New Hampshire cities and towns.
Cost is $15 per person and includes appetizers and one beverage (beer, wine, or non-alcoholic drink) in the relaxed atmosphere of Portsmouth Gas Light Co.