Understanding systemic racism, learning from our past
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How does a state with the motto “Live Free or Die” and a celebrated legacy of abolitionism confront and understand its participation in slavery, segregation, and the neglect of African-American history? Portsmouth, Milford, Canaan, and many other NH towns have been home to natives of Africa and African Americans for centuries, but their stories have often been left out of official histories. Shadows Fall North, a documentary produced by the UNH’s Center for the Humanities in collaboration with Atlantic Media Productions, focuses on the recovery of Black history in NH by two extraordinary women, historians and activists Valerie Cunningham and JerriAnne Boggis. Shadows Fall North, supported in part by New Hampshire Humanities, explores their stories and inspires questions like “What happens when we move toward a fuller understanding of our history by including all voices? What happens when we don’t?” To better understand the systemic racism permeating America today, start by learning about our own past. To read more, visit www.blackhistorynh.com, and join us for one of the upcoming screenings:
Sunday, Sept. 17, 2:00 pm
The Colonial Theatre, 95 Main St., Keene
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 6:00 pm
The Flying Monkey, 39 S. Main St., Plymouth
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 6:00 pm
The Dion Center, 420 Main St., Rivier University, Nashua