From our executive director's desk: About the NEH shutdown
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As you know, the country is experiencing the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, now in its 27th day. Although we remain hopeful the shutdown will come to a swift end, I'm writing to update you on the impact on New Hampshire Humanities, our partner organizations, and the Granite Staters we've been serving for 45 years.
As the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is the largest source of funding for humanities programming nationwide and one of the agencies that is shut down, the impasse is having a direct impact on humanities councils across the country, including ours.
New Hampshire Humanities receives about 49% of our funding through the NEH, which means we're in better shape than many of our counterparts across the country who rely much more heavily on NEH support.
Because we've been good stewards of the generous support of people like you and many like-minded individuals, foundations, and businesses, New Hampshire Humanities has been able to keep the doors open and honor our commitments to grantees and audiences through the first half of this year. You have always been there for us, and we ask for your continued support through these trying times.
You know firsthand the impact our grantees and partners -- from museums, libraries, and cultural organizations to scholars, librarians, curators, teachers, and filmmakers -- have had in uniting communities, building social connections, and preserving and telling our stories. This work matters.
Thank you for standing with us, and please feel free to contact me directly if you have questions.

Anthony Poore
Executive Director
We appreciate the many supporters who are making their contributions earlier this year to help maintain services while the federal government shutdown persists. Especially now, we encourage you to consider setting up a monthly sustaining gift in any amount to help ensure the humanities continue to thrive across the Granite State. Thank you!