Executive Director's message: In praise of teachers
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When I was in college, I had a professor whose words and deeds continue to inspire me to this day. Professor Beverly Smith taught me to believe in myself and my abilities when my humble beginnings and previous academic performance said otherwise. She taught me diligence, attention to detail, creativity, and joy in all we do, and she demonstrated courage and grace, having fought a long-term battle against cancer.
In this edition of Engage! we salute teachers, the heroes of our communities. In the article at right, you’ll read about teachers using the “Tell Me More” philosophy and guidebook to help English language learners reflect on and tell their own stories, through an initiative called the “Year of New Voices.”
You’ll also read about projects we’ve just funded that “teach and reach” – innovative humanities programs that bring Native American storytelling traditions to new generations, examine the role of race in our country’s history of law and punishment, use film and conversation to reflect on the hard truths of our history, and look at how different generations relate to nature.
New Hampshire Humanities could not do our work without teachers. They are the stalwart crusaders who help us carry out our mission of lifelong learning for people of all ages and backgrounds. They help us understand what came before us and what it means to be human, and as we venture out into the world, these lessons affect those whose lives we touch.
Thank you to Professor Smith and to all the teachers who help us carry out our mission every day.

Anthony Poore, Executive Director