Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 21

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Supported by a grant from New Hampshire Humanities, the Jaffrey Civic Center’s “Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.” on Monday, January 21 will bring people together to remember and find inspiration in the life and work of Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr. Each year, the Civic Center encourages thoughtful reflection and creative expression about Dr. King and the values he stood for by sponsoring student contests and other activities leading up to the event. This year’s contest is in creative art on the theme of “We are all one humanity,” a subject embedded in Dr. King’s frequent contemplation of the interrelatedness of all life. In keeping with the theme, our guest speakers at the January event will be refugees from several countries who will share their experiences. Dr. Dottie Morris, Associate Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion at Keene State College, will guide the discussion.

Join us on Monday, January 21 from 5:00-6:00 pm at the United Church of Jaffrey. The commemoration opens at 4:45 pm with bell ringing by youth volunteers as part of the “Let Freedom Ring: Choose Non-Violence,” national bell ringing ceremony, and followed by a reception at the MLK Student Exhibit at the Jaffrey Civic Center. Contact info@jaffreyciviccenter.com.  Event details