Black History Month
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In recognition of Black History Month, we offer the following Humanities to Go programs that you can host in your community this year:
All Eyes Are Upon Us: Racial Struggles in the Northeast from Jackie Robinson to Deval Patrick
Presented by Jason Sokol
African-American Submariners of World War II and Beyond
Presented by Glenn Knoblock
The Use of Hiphop Rhetoric to Combat the Criminalization of Black, Brown, and Red Youth
Presented by Marcos Del Hierro
Abby Hutchinson’s Sweet Freedom Songs
Presented by Deborah Anne Goss
I Can’t Die But Once: Harriet Tubman’s Civil War
Presented by Gwendolyn Quezaire-Presutti
Abolitionists of Noyes Academy
Presented by Dan Billin
African-American Soldiers and Sailors of NH During the American Revolution
Presented by Glenn Knoblock
For full descriptions and an application visit www.nhhumanities/humanitiestogo.