Abraham Lincoln: Behind White House Doors
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With support from a New Hampshire Humanities Community Project Grant, The Fells Estate & Historic Gardens in Newbury presents a series about one of the greatest presidents in our nation’s history, Abraham Lincoln. John Hay, whose summer residence is now known as The Fells Estate, was one of Lincoln’s closest aides and confidants and, along with John Nicolay, was the subject of a book by Joshua Zeitz, Lincoln’s Boys: John Hay, John Nicolay, and the War for Lincoln’s Image. Join us at The Fells Estate on the shores of Lake Sunapee in Newbury for a series of lectures on three consecutive Sunday afternoons at 4:00 pm:
June 4:
Memory, Politics, and Gilded Age Histories of the American Civil War
Dr. Robert Bonner, Dartmouth College
June 11:
The St. Albans Raid: Confederate Attack on Vermont
Michelle Sherburne, Vermont historian and author
June 18:
Lincoln’s On the Job Training: Developing a Federal Strategy During the American Civil War
Dr. Hugh Dubrulle, Saint Anselm College
For descriptions of the three lectures, see our event calendar listings in this issue. For more information, call The Fells at 603-763-4789 or visit www.thefells.org/calendar-and-events.