Become a Humanities to Go Presenter

New Hampshire Humanities (NHH) is not currently accepting applications for new programs and speakers for our Humanities to Go (HTG) statewide speakers bureau. If you applied, expect to receive a response by September 1, 2024. We expect to add approved programs and speakers to the catalog for booking starting November 1, 2024. 

You can review the application materials and review guidelines and rubric below. Please send all questions to

Applications will be completed by filling out the New Program Form online for each proposed program, up to two per presenter.

New Program Form (Application)

Sample Application Form and Guidelines

Sample Reviewer Guidelines

Sample Evaluation Form

All submissions should also include a copy of the presenter's CV or resume. There is also the opportunity to provide an optional 5–7-minute sample video recording. We encourage samples of the proposed presentation, including recordings, but this is not required. Applicants can also submit a selection from a previously recorded presentation (Zoom or another taping) that would best highlight their abilities as an HTG presenter. 

The information provided in the online application will be reviewed by NHH staff and sent to the NHH Program Committee for review. The Program Committee will evaluate the proposed presentation and make a recommendation to NHH regarding its addition to the HTG catalogue.  

Proposed programs should clearly relate to a humanities discipline, be based on current and respected research in the field, and be suitable for a general audience. We strongly prefer proposals for fields and topics not already covered in our catalog. The application for new presenters will also require information about expertise with the proposed subject(s) and experience presenting to the public. 

HTG presenters must have subject matter expertise in their proposed topic and typically hold an advanced degree (M.A. or Ph.D.) in one of the humanities disciplines; however, NHH respects a variety of training and experience. We strongly prefer applicants who have public speaking or teaching experience. HTG presenters receive a stipend for each presentation, typically hosted by libraries, historical societies, museums, and civic and community groups.  

Please note, presenters are limited to five (5) active programs in the Humanities to Go catalog. If current presenters propose programs that would put them in excess of that number, they will be asked to retire current programs. 

If you have questions, please contact 

Humanities to Go presenters help New Hampshire Humanities fulfill our mission: connecting people with ideas and serve as an ambassador for New Hampshire Humanities — and the humanities in general — whenever and wherever a Humanities to Go program to held. Approved HTG speakers are provided with a detailed list of expectations and responsibilities that must be signed before booking programs.


National Endowment for the Humanities logo New Hampshire Humanities programs are made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this these programs do not necessarily represent those of the NEH or New Hampshire Humanities.



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Humanities to Go Toolkit
Become a HTG Presenter