Dr. Andrew Moore is professor of history and Director of Summer School at Saint Anselm College. He is the author of the book, The South’s Tolerable Alien: Roman Catholics in Alabama and Georgia, 1945-1970 (Louisiana State University Press, 2007), and the editor of Evangelicals and Presidential Politics: From Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump (forthcoming from LSU Press, 2021). He has also published several articles and book chapters, and he teaches courses on, among other topics, American politics and race and civil rights for African Americans.
Dr. Beth Salerno is Professor of History at Saint Anselm College. She is the author of the book Sister Societies: Women’s Antislavery Organizations in Antebellum America (2005). She is currently writing a biography of Concord, NH native, abolitionist, and Revolutionary granddaughter Mary Clark. She teaches courses on US citizenship, environmental history, American women’s history, antebellum America, and New England history.
Dr. Dianna Gahlsdorf Terrell is an associate professor of Education at Saint Anselm College where she teaches Curriculum and Assessment and Education Policy and supervises student teachers. Her research interests include civic, democratic and socially just education; assessing outcomes of social science education; teacher education, and the impact of teacher evaluation systems. Her current research project, “A Well Informed Citizenry” explores social studies teachers’ classroom practices in New Hampshire as well as whether and how state policy informs those practices. Prior to working in higher education, she was a high school social studies teacher in Connecticut.
Suggested reading
Resources for learning about voting rights and voter suppression
Civics 101 podcast from New Hampshire Public Radio: a two-part episode on voting
Watch the video “A Well-Informed Citizenry” about civic education in New Hampshire created by Dr. Dianna Terrell (Saint Anselm). Note: This research project is on-going. New Hampshire social science teachers, building leaders and policy leaders may be solicited for interviews related to this topic.
Infographic from the Carsey School of Public Policy (UNH) on New Hampshire’s changing electorate
Read an essay about the impact of the 19th Amendment on women in Puerto Rico
Read about voter registration policies and take a literacy test from the 1950s and 1960s
"Voting in America" program sponsors:

For more information about Ideas on Tap, contact Dr. Tricia Peone, Public Programs Director, at 603-224-4071, ext. 115 or tpeone@nhhumanities.org.