Humanities@Home: Between Justice and Goodness: Conflicting Duties in the Face of Climate Change
Climate change is challenging for everyone. From understanding the data and what it might mean for our planet’s future to grappling with individual choices and their possible impact or unimportance, it can seem like one problem after another without clear answers. What are the duties of individuals in the face of a warming world? Drawing on the concepts and the tools of moral philosophy, Dr. Josh Duclos will discuss the distinction between justice and goodness as a framework for personal duty that can be used to address issues such as who owes what to whom, and why. In this talk that will focus on the moral dimension and personal responsibility, we will also consider and challenge proposals from philosophers, economists, and policy specialists.
For 50 years, New Hampshire Humanities has been connecting people to culture, history, places, ideas, and one another. Each month, Humanities@Home will highlight a topic that NHH addressed during its history that still resonates today. In 1974, we funded “Energy--The Individual and the Community,” a program that looked at the intersection of environmental and energy policy and the personal choices and values inherent in environmental policy decisions. Coming after the oil crisis of 1973, understanding the environmental and policy impacts of our choices was vital, just as it is today.
About the presenter: Dr. Josh Duclos holds degrees in philosophy from the University of Chicago and Boston University. He specializes in ethics and environmental philosophy and is the author of Wilderness, Morality, and Value (Lexington Books, 2022). Dr. Duclos is former Fulbright scholar and a dedicated teacher. He currently teaches humanities and philosophy at St. Paul's School in Concord, NH.
Join us as we celebrate 50 years of bringing the humanities to your community!