Community Project Grants: Frequently Asked Questions

What are the  humanities?

“The humanities” refer to a group of academic fields and disciplines, including history, literature, philosophy, ethics, archeology, anthropology, linguistics, geography, classics, and legal, gender, ethnic/race, cultural, or religious studies. Practitioners broadly employ interpretive and analytical methodologies to explore a particular question. The public humanities bring the insights, methods, and knowledge of the humanities disciplines to bear on publically-available programs that help us question and learn about the world around us. 

*A note on what the humanities are not…

The humanities should not be confused with “humanism,” which is a specific philosophical school of thought to emerge during the Renaissance, or with “humanitarianism,” which focuses on charitable works and social reform. Similarly, programs focused on providing social services do not qualify as humanities-based programs.

How do I know if my idea qualifies as a humanities program?

While humanities programs can take many forms, you should be able to articulate how your project will draw on the methods, knowledge, or insights of at least one humanities discipline to objectively explore a specific theme or question.

NHH cannot fund programs that are art- or performance-based or engage in any form of advocacy. Programs that provide a social service are highly unlikely to qualify.

If you are not sure whether your idea qualifies as a humanities program, we strongly encourage you to contact a member of NHH staff to discuss the program in more detail. Email

What is the role of the Authorizing Official?

The Authorizing Official is the designated representative of the organization receiving an NHH grant. They have the authority to act on the organization’s behalf in matters related to the administration of grant awards. They are accountable for the recipient organization’s use of its grant funds as specified in the application and the final financial reports submitted to NHH. 

What is the role of the Project Director?

The Project Director is responsible for the programmatic aspects of the award and for day-to-day management of the project or program. The Project Director must be different than the Authorizing Official.

What is the role of the Subject Matter Expert?

A subject matter expert is a scholar who will contribute their deep knowledge of a subject to the program. While a project may involve multiple scholars, the application should identify one subject matter expert who will play an especially active role in the project’s development and execution. The role of the subject matter expert varies with each project: some may have advanced knowledge of the proposed program’s topic and will help provide the content, others may shape the overarching design or framework.

A scholar’s expertise may result from an advanced academic degree (MA, PhD, or J.D.) in a relevant field or come from serving as the keeper of community traditions and knowledge. Examples of scholars include but are not limited to tribal elders or historians, advanced graduate students, or a professor at a university. 

All applicants are required to summarize their SME’s qualifications and explain how the individual will contribute this expertise to the project. The SME is also required to write a letter of support in which they will detail their role in the proposed project. 

Can the Project Director and Subject Matter Expert be the same person?

The Project Director may also serve as the Subject Matter Expert if they possess the relevant expertise and can fulfill a SME's role in the proposed project. 

Can the Project Director and Authorizing Official be the same person?

No, these must be two different individuals.

My organization is not based in New Hampshire. Can we still apply?

Eligible organizations based outside of NH are eligible to apply for a Community Project Grant. Your application should make clear how NH residents will benefit from your proposed project. Grant-supported events or programs should take place in NH and engage NH residents. A proposal that does not explain how NH residents will benefit or be engaged in the program is unlikely to be funded. 

What is a grant period?

The grant period or “period of performance” refers to the period in which your organization will use its grant funds. The applicant will define the grant period as part of their application.

The grant period should begin on the first day of the  month in which activities or project-related work would take place if the grant was awarded; the grant period should end on the last day of month in which activities or work would occur. All grant funds must be used in this period. Grant funds cannot be used to cover any costs incurred before or after the grant period.

Do you accept fiscal sponsors?

No, we cannot accept fiscal sponsors. All grant recipients must be eligible applicants: private nonprofit organizations; institutions of higher education; state, local, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments; groups of persons that form an association to carry out a project.

Are grant-funded programs required to be free?

NHH strongly prefers to fund programs that are free or as accessible to the public as possible. The chances of a project being funded are higher if the program will be free for the public to paricipate, or if the applicant articluates a clear plan for keeping admission costs low. Organizations that generally charge fees for access should be prepared to offer some degree of programming that would be free for the public. For example, an organization that charges membership dues could open its grant-funded programming to the public for free; a museum that charges an entrance fee could offer at least one day during the grant period when visitors could attend at no cost.

Do you award partial funding?

No, New Hampshire Humanities does not award partial funding. All Community Project Grants are  awarded in competitive grant rounds. The more detailed and reasonable your budget, the better chance you will have of being awarded funding.

Who is eligible to apply for a Community Project Grant?

Nonprofit organizations; institutions of higher education; state, local, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments; and institutions of the federal government are eligible to apply for a Community Project grant, Major or Mini.

NHH cannot accept applications from individuals, for-profit organizations, fiscal sponsors, or foreign entities. 

Are there any restrictions on grant funds?

Grant funds cannot be used for any of the following purposes:

Technology/Software/Media:These are items that may need to be rented or purchased for the project, such as a recording device for an oral history project; a projector or DVD player for a film discussion; CDs, DVDs, tapes, films or software. We can fund up to a maximum of $250 for technology, software or media. In the budget notes, list items and cost per item and how items will be used when the project is over.

Materials/Supplies: Materials and supplies are things that will be used by or given to participants in the course of the project like paper, post cards, computer disks or memory sticks, etc. This may include books and other printed handouts. In the Budget Notes, list items and cost per item.

How do I submit my final application?

  1. Compile all the required application materials and click here to upload your application.
  2. Provide the requested information and upload your application materials.
  3. Click submit.
  4. You will receive an immediate confirmation message if your application is successfully submitted.
  5. A member of NHH staff will also confirm receipt as soon as possible. If you do not receive a confirmation notification and email, please contact NHH.

What is a Unique Entity ID?

All organizations receiving federal awards must obtain a Unique Entity Identifier through

The Unique Entity ID (UEI) is a 12-character alphanumeric value that is managed, granted, and owned by the government. Effective April 4, 2022, it serves as the authoritative unique entity identifier used by the federal government.

If your entity is already registered with, you have been issued a Unique Entity ID (UEI). This includes inactive registrations.

If you do not have a UEI, you can register at There is no cost to register. If you are requesting a Unique Entity ID only through, a successful request will provide the UEI immediately.

My organization has a DUNS number. Do we still need to register with SAM.Gov?

Yes, all organizations that receive federal funds must obtain a Unique Entity Identifier through SAM.Gov.

For more information, please contact Agnes Burt, Ph.D., Program Manager - Community Project Grants, at or (603) 224-4071, ext. 114.