Connections Adult Literacy

The Connections adult literacy program is a book discussion program designed to promote English language skills, cultivate conversations about ideas, reinforce family literacy, and support a culture of reading to more than 500 adult learners across the state of New Hampshire each year. Connections participants can receive up to four free books and keep the books they read.

Using a range of children's and adult literature, Connections provides accessible, humanities-based book discussions for refugees, immigrants, individuals with disabilities, general adult basic education students, and incarcerated parents. More importantly it allows participants to see their own stories in literature, to learn about perspectives different from their own, and provides the opportunity to travel to worlds real or imagined through literature. 

In 2024, teachers reported that 72% increased their knowledge of history or culture, 72% of students increased conversation skills, and 81% of students increased their vocabulary through their participation in the Connections program. 


Connections program locations 2024

            Funded in part through generous support from our program sponsors:












We thank the following foundations for their generous support:

Ella F. Anderson Trust

Citizens Charitable Foundation - NHCF Henry Lord Scholarship


For Teachers and Program Coordinators
For Facilitators and Participants
Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans
Connections Blog