Jonathan Harrington - 19th Century Magician

Presenter: Andrew Pinard

Jonathan Harrington (1811-1881) was one of the earliest American magicians. Born in Boston, Harrington began his performing career as a ventriloquist in 1826, and subsequently added fire resistance, conjuring, mimicry, and exhibitions to his performances, eventually focusing on magic. His success allowed him to purchase the New England Museum where he presented shows and exhibitions. Andrew Pinard transforms into Harrington to perform in both character and period costume to present mysteries and wonders from the nineteenth century with the help of audience members. This presentation on Jonathan Harrington will reveal new information about a performer that had an impact for decades after his passing, including a piece that Harrington likely performed, in costume and character.


Join us as we celebrate 50 years of bringing the humanities to your community!

Event Details


Sunday, February 23, 2025 3:00pm


Newbury Public Library
933 Route 103
Newbury NH 03255

Hosted By:

Newbury Public Library

Contact Info:

Lea McBain, 603-763-5803